태권도연무재(이하 "연무재")는 전통태권도의 품새 수련을 통해 바른 몸짓과 효율적인 활개를 깨닫고자 노력합니다.
연무재 몸짓의 우수성은 바른 맨몸 품새가 이루어지면 어떠한 무기술도 가능하게 되는 범용성으로 증명됩니다.
연무재는 열린 공간입니다. 무술로서의 태권도를 사랑하는 모든 이에게 열려 있습니다.
연무재는 비영리단체입니다. 도장 운영에 필요한 경비의 극히 일부 만을 회원 각자의 소속감을 위한 자치회비로 받고 있습니다.
硏武齋란 무(武)를 연(硏)구하는 집(齋)이란 뜻입니다.
Traditional taekwondo Yonmujae Association (hereinafter referred to as "Yonmujae"), aims to grasp the fundamental principles of efficient body movements
through practicing traditional taekwondo’s poomsae (meaning “forms" or "patterns”).
Our poomsae can be performed with all kinds of weapons, not only with bare hands. This versatility embodied in our poomsae was developed by Yonmujae over many years of practice and is largely distinguishable from others.
The house is open to anyone who is interested in practicing taekwondo in the aspect of martial arts.
For signing up, please feel free to email or visit us.
Yonmujae is a non-profit organization officially registered with the National Tax Service, and thus, we collect from members affordable membership fees only for operational purposes.
"YONMUJAE" stands for "the house of martialism".
Mr. SEO Jaeyoung
Grandmaster & Board Chairman